
Why taking a ‘Lazy Day’ doesn’t include evil sock demons or maniacal dishes.

It’s getting hot here on the Misfit Farm. It seems we have three seasons in Pennsylvania – Winter, Rainy, and Construction Season.

Construction signs
Pennsylvania’s smallest construction zone.

This being only the second day of summer, the rain has finally stopped. If it is true what they say “April showers bring May flowers”, then we had no May and I missed it and I want it back.

Temperatures this morning are already in the 80’s and it’s getting humid. I know I need to get outside and get the chicken coup cleaned, the roof needs built over the mill, the dishes need done, I don’t know what I am making for supper, and I need to change the litter boxes, but I just can’t get motivated. I KNOW you FEEL my pain.

Why does this bother me so much? Am I alone? Am I lazy…. ? Why do the sick, twisted evil socks scatter in the sock drawer when no one is looking?

I always get the housework done before I do my farm work. Instead of getting it done quickly today, I dragged (and I mean d…r…a…g…g…e…d it out). Last thing to do was the laundry. 🙁

What usually takes me 10 minutes to fold and put away all the laundry, today it took over an hour.

As I put away each piece I straightened the drawer. You know how it is – refold one shirt, it doesn’t sit right on the pile, so you pull out ALL the shirts and refold. Well if you do ONE drawer, you HAVE to do them all. If your going to do the drawers, then you have to do the shelves. If you do the shelves, then you have to do the hangers…. and so on.

The sock drawer was my greatest challenge. I think somehow the sick, twisted, evil socks scatter in the drawer when no one is looking on purpose. I mastered these evil sock demons to create some order from mysteriously miss matched socks. And through it all, I somehow, finally managed to work through what I call – “Mount Laundry[Rush]More”.

Yet… I see dirty dishes glaring at me maniacally from the kitchen sink waiting to violently turn my hands into scrubbing tools of pruned appendages…

I don’t know why we let this bother us so much. We as women place a higher concern for our domestic duties than on other life concerns. We are about family, home, and doing for others. We do a great job at this. I don’t consider myself lazy, on the contrary, I am always busy doing something. Our work is NEVER done, but just like everyone else, I have my lazy moments and they don’t include laundry or dishes.

WHY DO WE LET THIS BOTHER US? – We beat ourselves up because we take a moment or two for a break, be lazy, or to procrastinate just a little. We can afford to have that lazy moment, to put a couple things off, and even delegate some things to our children. We have earned that right. It’s normal, it’s acceptable, and at times our bodies just need to.

Have a lazy day

family under covers with only feet sticking out
What a great day for a ‘lazy day’.
  • Take a lazy day hike,
  • Go to the beach,
  • Take the kids outside to do nothing…just play.
  • Walk down to the mailbox and say hello to the neighbor,
  • Check on that elderly couple a few doors down,
  • Make some tea,
  • Sip some wine, and
  • Smell the flowers.

The housework (especially the laundry), farm work, and all the other ‘things’ that you think have to be done (but really aren’t a priority) can wait. Instead of asking why we do let these lazy moments bother us, we should be asking “Why not have a lazy day?

And just so you know, although I know I need to get outside to get my ‘other’ work done, I will tell you….

I ‘m going to take a walk and just have a lazy day, but for now I have the absolutely neatest dresser drawers in the State…. I have a feeling this is gonna be a looooong summer. I’ll be sure to enjoy it. Hope you do too!

~Sue 😉

I'm a mom, blogger, woodworker, and craft nut. I left the big city to live simpler, uniquely, and to be rebelliously creative on a farm in Central PA where I sell hand-crafted Primitive, Americana, and Farmhouse Home Decor. Together Mike and I (he's my nuttier half), hand-craft metal art and create custom solutions for unique customer needs.

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