
Why don’t you do this?…It’s NOT corn – It’s ‘Cooler’ Corn

I was a Volunteer Fireman for 18 years. We always had BIG picnics with lots of people who would just show up… whenever. You could say that the picnic started at 2pm but most people showed up around dinner time. We always found that we would NEVER know exactly how many were coming, what time they’d be there or worse yet, if you ended up being the one who couldn’t make it until later, you would always wonder if the food was going to be cold (or warm depending on the weather/dish) or if there would be any food left…. Until we started making Cooler Corn.

How do you make them something great to eat that’s ready anytime?

How do you get kids into cooking corn that’s simple, safe, fun, and they can brag the recipe to their friends?

You cook cooler corn that’s ready and perfect for hours with little work and without having to slave over a hot stove…. (but can you REALLY call this easy method cooking?)

Easy Cooler Corn

What you’ll need:

  • Corn on the cob.
  • Plastic Cooler
  • Kettle
  • Water

Mom’s – you will need to do this part… Fill a kettle with water and place it on the stove until it comes to a rolling boil. But while that’s getting hot… you can help the kids start or… finish up the corn.

Boil Water
Bring a kettle of water to a rolling boil.

You can use ANY corn on the cob. Get it from your field, the local farmer’s market, the grocery store…. where ever you buy your YUMMY Corn.

You and the kids will have to take the husks off.

Have the kids place the ears of corn in a plastic cooler. DO NOT use those cloth style with the matte silver insides… it must be plastic and be able to withstand the heat. Any size will do. You can put 4 ears into a large cooler but you can’t place 40 ears in a small cooler so think proportions. I use a small cooler when it’s just a few of us but I break out the big cooler when it’s a large crowd. You should be able to put approximately 30-40 ears (depending on the size of the ears) into a standard larger plastic Coleman cooler.

Fill a plastic cooler with corn.
Place your ears of corn in a plastic cooler. (This is a plastic ‘lunch box’ cooler).

Mom- Take the boiling water and pour it into the cooler covering the ears of corn just until you start to see them float – STOP!

Cover right away and NO PEEKING!!!

Cover your corn for 30 minutes.
Put the lid on the cooler for 30 minutes. (NO… PEEKING!!!)

After 30 minutes your corn will be ready. Eat it on the cob, cut off the kernels, or eat it however you like it. Just enjoy it and appreciate how easy it was to do.

Additionally anyone (especially that late-comer) goes to reach for an ear of your perfectly cooked corn.. 1-2 or even 3 hours later (as long as the lid stayed on and the heat stayed in) the corn will be as perfect (tasty, yummy, and done) as it was for those who got to it right away. No over-cooking in THIS cooler.

Cooler Cooked Corn
Cooked Corn. Perfect every time and… hours later.

So…Try this cooler corn cooking hack at your next picnic, holiday gathering, or even just for supper anytime you want to make great corn. You’ll never go back to boiling your corn on the stove again. Besides, you have way too many other things to do.



I'm a mom, blogger, woodworker, and craft nut. I left the big city to live simpler, uniquely, and to be rebelliously creative on a farm in Central PA where I sell hand-crafted Primitive, Americana, and Farmhouse Home Decor. Together Mike and I (he's my nuttier half), hand-craft metal art and create custom solutions for unique customer needs.


  1. Jo

    Neat idea! We’re definitely going to have to give it a try for some of our cookouts!!

  2. Lisa Shivel

    This sounds like something we will try. We’ve never heard of it being fixed in a cooler, thank you for sharing!

    1. Susan

      You’re welcome. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Adrienne B Redelings

    What a great idea! We were just at one of those fire department picnics this past weekend πŸ™‚

    1. Susan

      I sure do miss those picnics. Great food and lots of neat stories.

  4. Kyndall Bennett

    This is so cool! I love picnics, but I’ve never tried making corn-on-the-cob myself because I thought I would mess it up! Thank you!

    1. Susan

      You’re welcome Kyndall.
      I always messed it up before… now I get it perfect… every time. πŸ™‚


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