Misfit Minute

Misfit Minute – Take a minute to prevent spreading Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It’s an official pandemic – Coronavirus (COVID-19) is here. Much like the Bird Flu of 2013, the Swine Flu of 2009, and the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, we need to take precautions to prevent the spread and reduce the impact of this virus on our family’s health and on the routines in our daily lives. It only takes a minute to prevent spreading the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Everyone is concentrating on not ‘getting’ the virus… let’s also work on not ‘spreading’ the virus. As you go about your day, think “Who would I infect?”…and… Don’t be a spreader…The symptoms are respiratory in nature which mimic the flu and will be hardest on the elderly and those with suppressed immune systems.

Take a minute to follow these quick suggestions from the CDC:

  • Practice Social Distancing – the virus is spread from droplets when someone coughs or sneezes. If they are carrying the virus, they could spread it while talking. Stay approximately 6 feet from others to avoid air-borne particles.
  • Wash your hands – use soapy water and for about 20 seconds. Sing the song Mary Had a Little Lamb… this will be the perfect amount of time to wash. If you don’t have soap, use Hand-Sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE – we do this A LOT… don’t scratch your cheek, rub your eyes, or adjust your glasses… use a tissue.
  • Wear a face mask – since the virus travels in air-borne particles… it doesn’t matter if you are sick or not… wearing a face mask will help… just don’t keep touching it or adjusting it… that defeats the purpose.
  • Cough into your arm – Just because you cough doesn’t mean you are infected… but it is a good practice to help prevent the spreading of any colds and especially the Coronavirus.


  • Stay in touch by phone with those who could be affected most – don’t go over and visit your elderly grandmother. (Sorry grandma… love you but…) You will be doing MORE GOOD by checking up by phone. This will prevent the spread (even if you are not symptomatic… you could be carrying). When you call ask if they are alright, showing any signs/symptoms, or need any help. There are services available to help them that you can reach out to in order to get them groceries, medications, or physical assistance. If they are ill or need serious attention – CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY !
  • If you need to go to the ER… CALL FIRST – Let them know ahead of time that you think you might have the Coronavirus. Imagine being in the ER waiting room line with a cut finger that needs stitches and the guy in front of you says “I think I have the virus”. Yea… that wouldn’t make you a happy camper… DON’T BE THAT GUY!
  • Stay away from large crowds – Your chances of getting and spreading the virus are increased the more people you are around despite your best efforts to Social Distance.
  • You do NOT need to stock up on Toilet paper… You NEED cold medicines… with decongestants and something to reduce your fever. It’s crazy that just because someone said it gives you extreme diarrhea (which was wrong), that everyone (including the media) jumped on the wagon and toilet paper flew off the shelves. There are going to be a lot of people feeling miserable but hey…they will have clean hineys. DON’T BE THEM… have a clean hiney AND treat your symptoms.

BUT….. the BEST advice to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)… is to…JUST STAY HOME (if you can).

  • Watch some movies on TV that you haven’t had time to lately.
  • Spring clean your house.
  • Try some new games on your computer or cell phone.
  • Learn knitting, crocheting, sewing, painting, or cooking.
  • Read a book.
  • Shop Amazon, Chewy, or Misfit (I’m sorry… I know it’s a shameless plug…lol).
  • Spend some time playing with the Dog, Cat, or other pet.
  • Try some new recipes off the internet.
  • Subscribe to some new travel or DIY blogs and read up on the latest trends.
  • Organize your home and all those files on your computer.
  • Start a list of all those things you’ve been putting off… and do them (bathing my dog is near the top of my list…lol).
  • Start your own blog.

Do YOUR part…prevent the spread of what is anticipated to be the worst pandemic since 1918.

Be safe, be careful, and enjoy it simple.


For further information on all things Coronavirus (COVID-19) straight from the CDC – visit:


Daily Updated cases and deaths across the US:

I'm a mom, blogger, woodworker, and craft nut. I left the big city to live simpler, uniquely, and to be rebelliously creative on a farm in Central PA where I sell hand-crafted Primitive, Americana, and Farmhouse Home Decor. Together Mike and I (he's my nuttier half), hand-craft metal art and create custom solutions for unique customer needs.


  1. Flor

    Crazy times we are living in! I am definitely trying to enjoy the good part of all these. Living simpler, tackling those always left behind projects, deep clean and organize the house. Bathing my dog was on the top of my list as well! We did it today! 😀

    1. Susan

      Yes they are… I was all up for cleaning the house too… AFTER the dog got his bath.


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