Hunter of Misfit in the Snow

Dog shedding: 5 MUST HAVE tools for fur-combat

It’s a known fact that dog shedding is worse during the Spring and Fall, however, dogs shed all year long. We’ve had some exceptionally warm days this year in the middle of Winter, so I’ve noticed some extra fur lying around the tiny house. Just because it’s cold outside, it doesn’t mean it’s time to retreat from combat in the war against those little fur tumbleweeds that are making it into the corners of your rooms, carpets, and couches. Therefore, I’ve looked into a few shedding warfare myths and provided 5 MUST HAVE combat tools to keep in your arsenal that will aid you in the successful win in your war against the dreaded fur.

I am an affiliate of Chewy.com so I receive a small commission if you click one of the included links but I’ve included them so you know you are getting something that has been tested and works as claimed. I reviewed these items of my own discretion because I really use them, I really love them, and I know from years of experience that yes… they really work. Trust me – These are items you’ll want to have and keep in your arsenal.

I keep what works and toss the rest.

Dog Shedding:

Having 2 dogs and 4 cats in a Tiny House makes for a lot of upkeep. I don’t have room for a lot of useless grooming supplies. You know the ones… you buy them, you try them, they take up too much room, and they just don’t work. I am an organize freak in a tiny house so I keep what works and toss the rest. I’ll save you some trial, error, and money by telling you what has worked the best for me over the years because I think one of the hardest challenges for any pet owner is winning in the combat against fur.

Hunter the dog doesn't mind shedding because it means he gets to be brushed.
Hunter has to have his nose into EVERYTHING…

I love Labs. No doubt about it. I’d own a million. So far I’ve had 4 lovable labs: (Pete 11yrs-Yellow RIP 2013, Winston 10 yrs-Chocolate RIP 2014, Miley 12 yrs-Chocolate RIP 2019 and now my 7 year old Hunter-Yellow ). I would take a carpet full of fur just to get one of my lovable labs back from over the Rainbow Bridge. I know you all feel the same way of your fur-babies…

Winston was my favorite dog - he likes looking out the window.
One of my favorite pictures of Winston. – I miss him terribly.

Pets give us a life full of entertainment and unconditional love. They alleviate our stress but they can also be the source of our stress when they shed their fur and it becomes a constant battle to keep up. I’ve tried many different products over the course of owning my labs and I have found some to work so much better than the others, that I just can’t live without a few. I’ve combined a short list of items that you can’t go wrong in keeping within your own arsenal of dog shedding fur-combat-tools. They are inexpensive, very effective, and they won’t take up much room (a necessity when living tiny). These are definitely keepers!

But first…Dog Shedding Warfare… Myths revealed:

Myth #1 – Dogs need their fur to stay warm so you don’t have to groom them over the winter.

Hunter (the dog) and Eeny (the hen) on patrol in the snow
Hunter on patrol with his trusty companion Miny (while Eeny, Meeny, and Moe were in laying breakfast).

False – If you put too many layers of clothing on before going out into the cold weather, you may actually find yourself sweating under all of those layers. So now think of fur in layers: the top coat is a dog’s outer barrier from water, dirt, and the occasional roll in the poo, while the undercoat is their inner layer of insulation.  Putting the grooming tools down over the cold winter months allows the undercoat to get out of control. It actually traps moisture within the undercoat and doesn’t keep your dog any warmer (just like wet insulation doesn’t insulate). The moisture gets cold, the dog gets cold, and according to the article Tips for Grooming Your Dog During Winter, this added moisture can also cause irritation, matting, and much more work for you (or your groomer). Now that doesn’t make anybody happy so let’s get back into the habit of grooming even when it’s cold.

Myth #2 – Bathing a dog makes them shed more.

False – I’ve been told this by a great many people growing up and they are just wrong. Maybe it’s because they noticed more the amount of fur that was lying in the tub and getting ready to clog the drain. Problem is though… they were using their shampoo right off of the tub ledge.

People shampoos treat the acidic sweat glands on people’s skin, but dogs sweat through the pads on their feet and wherever they don’t have fur (ie… nose). They still have glands on their skin but these aren’t the same as ours so they shouldn’t be treated in the same way. Dogs emit pheromones through these skin glands and although they might smell attractive to other dogs, they aren’t so attractive while they are lying beside you on the bed. So in the grand scheme of things, people shampoos aren’t good for dog skin. Using an appropriate dog shampoo will effectively treat a dog’s skin and will actually inhibit excessive shedding. Therefore they will have a healthier coat and the combat on dog shedding will be easier on you (and your nose 😊).

Myth #3 – There are too many gadgets out there for dog shedding and it’s too hard to find which ones work.

Kinda true but mostly false – There are a lot of products on the market to combat fur. I think this says a great deal about the concerns pet owners have about co-existing happily with their fur-babies, keeping them safe, healthy, and in a warm loving environment. We just love the heck out of our fur-babies so yes…we WILL combat that fur problem. I figured thousands of people can’t be wrong, so I’ve tried and experimented, listened to other’s who have had success with their shedding problems, and I’ve checked with Chewy.com to see what they are using and what they recommend from their thousands and thousands of shoppers. It was nice to see that others agree with me and my favorites are their favorites as well. Therefore, I’ve compiled a short list so you can affordably and effectively combat YOUR dog shedding problems and be a happy owner of a happy… and healthy dog.  

The best tools for your arsenal:

#1 – FURminator deShedding Edge Dog Brush

By FURminator

I absolutely swear by my FURminator brush – I can’t live without it.

Hunter loves being brushed by the FURminator. He’s inspecting his undercoat that was brushed out. – He approves.

Hunter gets excited when I pull this out. He loves it… No he doesn’t sit still while I’m brushing him, but that’s because it feels OOOO SO GOOD… He wiggles, stretches, does his ‘dog-zilla’ voice and then his tail starts going a mile-a-minute. It is extremely effective in removing the undercoat and it makes his coat feel softer and I find less fur on my floor and couch. The recommended usage is every 2 weeks because that is how often dogs replace their undercoat. Sometimes it is hard to get to brush him that often so I know that when I do, this really attacks the fur. It’s safe on his skin and it won’t cut me (‘cause I’m clumsy with sharp objects…). It’s also very affordable and durable. I’ve had mine for as long as I can remember and I have never needed to replace it. This is definitely a MUST HAVE in your arsenal. You won’t be disappointed.

But while I’m on the subject of FURminator….

#2 – FURminator deShedding Edge Cat Brush

By FURminator

Because dogs aren’t cats…

Miss Kitty enjoys laying on the carpeted steps…However, I wouldn’t enjoy her leaving any hair behind.

I didn’t think at first that my cats needed brushed as much as Hunter does. I also didn’t think that they would like it (they still have claws and in disapproval they remind me of that fact), however they LOVE it. I can sit on the couch and watch TV and Whittle will come over and sit on my lap. Since this is close-by, I grab the FURminator, watch TV,  and brush her at the same time (I get a purrrr every time).  Miss Kitty pretends she doesn’t like it but when you stop… she ALWAYS comes back for more… Heck… the neighbor’s cat even came by and enjoyed a little brushing… When I pulled the FURminator brush away from him, I got a soft paw to the arm. I think it was his way of saying “Pweeeeze don’t stop…”.

This brush is very much like the brush for dogs but made for cat fur. It really does an amazing job of removing that undercoat and keeps the fur from accumulating all over the house. It is durable, effective, affordable, and again this will not cut your skin. So if you also own cats, this is another MUST HAVE for your arsenal.

But wait… while you’re at it…

#3 – FURminator DeShedding Ultra Premium Conditioner For Dogs

By FURminator

You may not think you need this… but you will definitely want this…

FURminator de-Shedding Ultra Premium Conditioner for dogs
FURminator DeShedding Ultra Premium Conditioner for Dogs – courtesy of FURminator

This stuff is absolutely amazing… I use it because I love the way it has made all of my Lab’s coats feel and smell great. I never knew of the other benefits of using this conditioner, I only bought it to try it and now I’m absolutely hooked on it.

Although the benefits to me are a soft and great smelling dog, the benefits to Hunter are that it helps to release his undercoat and helps to reduce excessive shedding (OK that’s a benefit to me too 😊). It is enriched with Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, Chamomile extract, Aloe Vera, and has no parabens, artificial colors or chemical dyes. It is made especially for dogs. Since it’s safer for Hunter than my shampoo, I save that expensive shampoo for me… and I use this on him.

Something else I don’t share…

#4 – ChomChom Roller Pet Hair Remover

By ChomChom Roller

ChomChom Roller - Photo courtesy of Dog Lab - to tackle dog shedding problems
ChomChom Roller – Photo courtesy of Dog Lab

Because even I shed (proof-positive on anything I wear that is black)…

I’ve always brushed my dogs and have effectively combated the fur, but you can never be 100% rid of it. I use this roller on my couch and it works extremely well on the seats of my car after trips to the vet. With this tool you just brush the fur off… back and forth… kinda like you would be brushing off the dog. It’s that easy. It picks up the fur, traps the fur, and is self-cleaning… You gotta love that… I always kept one in my vehicle because this did a great job of removing cat, dog, and even my own hair from whatever they had seemed to lay claim to (even if it was those black pants just before work ). You can always put your best foot forward when it’s not covered with fur, so I have to say that this is a perfect, affordable, and durable tool for your fur-combat arsenal. Heck… you might even want to pick up two 😊 but don’t ever lend them out… ‘cause you’ll never get them back.

Miley the dog was shedding more than Hunter before I started using the FURminator on her as well
Miley taking a snooze on the couch.

Lastly, I can’t live without my…

#5 – Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Carpet Cleaner Vacuum

By Bissell

In my big house I had a Bissell steam clean vac, but leaving the house to my son and his wife, I knew they would need one. I purchased another Bissell because they were always reliable, durable, affordable, and they just did the job right. I especially love how Bissell makes it one of their missions to help animal welfare organizations. I think they love animals just as much as I do.

Bissell products help minimize dog shedding worries
Soon I’ll be pulling out my Bissell for Spring fur clean-up. This is my last line of defense in fur-combat.

Bissell must have known just how much Hunter sheds and how much of a freak I am about fur when they designed their vacs. Since I try to keep up with my combat on fur, this is a nice tool to have on hand. It is lightweight, easy to use and easy to store. This is amazing at picking up all of the dirt and fur off the carpet and I didn’t break the bank. It’s compact (again… Tiny House friendly), easy to clean, effective, and durable (I’ve dropped it down the steps and it didn’t miss a beat – OK so I’m clumsy with other objects too…lol). It makes cleaning the carpet so easy with the low profile foot that reaches under my furniture and it has a really fast drying time (30 minutes). Now I don’t have to devote an entire weekend to cleaning… I’ve got other things to do. Mine is blue trimmed and didn’t come with the upholstery tool but you’ll want to make sure you get this (I regret not getting this feature – they were just sold out at the time). Be prepared and know that because this is such an amazing and necessary tool, it is my last line of defense in fur-combat.

Be armed…

Hunter the dog posing for the camera after his FURminator brushing
Hunter loves the camera. I think he comes up with his own poses.

Pets are a huge part of our lives. They are our source and partners in the combat against shedding problems. Don’t go into battle unknowingly and unarmed. Prepare yourself and your pet in dog shedding warfare and you’ll both be happier and you will enjoy each other more in the long run. Try using this advice and follow with me in the recommendations of prior pet owners who have successfully managed their battles against fur. It’s what will give you the leading edge in your own dog shedding combat.

Where to get:

You can go to Chewy.com right now and arm yourself will all of these tools while enjoying Free Shipping on your order over $49. They have them all in stock and you can get started right away in taking back your home, your pet, and your life from the war against fur. Your pet will love it and they will love you more for it. I wish you both much success.

As I mentioned before, I do get a small commission if you click the links I’ve included, but these are only so you know you are getting something that has been tested and works. I reviewed these items of my own discretion because I know they work and they are definitely keepers.

Thanks for stopping by.

Enjoy life and enjoy it simple.

~Sue 😊  

I'm a mom, blogger, woodworker, and craft nut. I left the big city to live simpler, uniquely, and to be rebelliously creative on a farm in Central PA where I sell hand-crafted Primitive, Americana, and Farmhouse Home Decor. Together Mike and I (he's my nuttier half), hand-craft metal art and create custom solutions for unique customer needs.


  1. T.M. Brown

    Oh, we love our furbabies!!! LOL. Thanks for sharing tools that work for you.

    1. Susan

      You are welcome and thanks for stopping by.

  2. Jane

    Thank you for educating us and debunking the myth. I didn’t even know. Back home my parents own at least 16 dogs but I didn’t bother to ask them about dog shedding.

    It gave me an idea on what brush to get as we’re planning to have our own next year. Btw..your dog is soo cute!

    1. Susan

      You’re welcome and thank you.

  3. Lisa

    Since I am allergic to dogs I am very. aware of them shedding…great ideas!

  4. jen

    ha! This is so great. showing my husband who is the brigadier general of our war at our house

    1. Susan

      OMG..That’s funny…Most of us women are… 🙂

  5. judean

    Your pets are so adorable! If we ever get a pet again, we will definitely save this post to refer to.

    1. Susan

      That’s great. Thank you.

  6. heather J jandrue

    Great product tips. I have a 7-year-old lab and the shedding can be insane. However, I would not change it for the world!

  7. vanessa

    I often wondered if these gadgets work. Thanks for shedding light on this for me.

  8. Christina Furnival

    The dreaded dog fur!! My parents would hardly be done cleaning up our dog’s hair before the house was covered again!

  9. Lisa Manderino

    The Furminator looks like a great product!

    1. Susan

      It is Lisa. It’s amazing how much fur it pulls off and the dog doesn’t LOOK any different. I always wonder where in the heck it’s all coming from. I just know I see a remarkable difference in less fur lying all over the house after I use it.

  10. Ramae Hamrin

    I love ordering from Chewy. I have a labradoodle who doesn’t shed, but holy cow does he take a lot of grooming. I have a furminator-type brush that he hates. He prefers the metal comb and an old hairbrush of mine, along with something to chew on for distraction. He loves the cold weather and snow and needs a good haircut at least once during the winter or he gets too hot. He’s entirely worth it, though. Glad you have a houseful of fur babies to love!

  11. Noelle

    We have a black lab, and he sheds so much! I will be checking out the furminator for sure! Does the conditioner help if they have dry, flaky skin? Our lab has had that since we got him as a puppy. We have changed his food several times over the past few years, but nothing seems to help enough. We give him gluten-free food. I wonder if he just needs a conditioner too.

    1. Susan

      I definitely think the conditioner may help. It’s worth a try. If he’s had dry flaky skin for an extended period of time, it could be a medical issue causing it rather than the food or simply dry skin from the weather. Next time you have him to the vet ask. Until then calm the itch if it bothers him with some conditioners for sensitive skin and maybe oatmeal shampoos for dogs.

  12. Tricia Snow

    I am definitely going to be looking into these. I have a GSD who sheds a small sweater every day!

    1. Susan

      I definitely think the conditioner will help. It wouldn’t hurt to try.

  13. Jennifer

    Good idea. Love the first pic of the dog in the snow.

    1. Susan

      Thanks. Hunter said thank you too… He just loves the camera…

  14. Debbie

    Labs are the sweetest. I’ve always wondered about the upholstery brush. Thanks for the recommendations!

  15. Candy

    We have 2 Siberian huskies and couldn’t live without our furminator!

  16. Emily

    Good to know for when we get a dog

  17. Cindy

    No more dogs in our home but we do have 4 cats. They produce plenty of hair!

  18. Lee Anne

    I like the way you laid out the myths! Even with all the shedding, they sure do fill us with so much love and entertainment! Great ideas here!

  19. Sydney Delong

    Great list! I will have to come back to it when I get a dog 😀

    1. Susan

      That’s great and I’ll be here to help 🙂

  20. Lucinda

    It’s such an uphill battle to keep fur in check!

    1. Susan

      Yes it is… and there is no ‘peace time’ in the battle… lol

  21. Holly

    Thank you so much for the great tips and advice I have 3 dogs on is a major shredder especially in the summer so I’m going to try this!!

    1. Susan

      You’re welcome. I wish you well in your battle. 🙂

  22. Lora Rovegna

    What sweet looking puppies! I miss mine so much. I was blessed to have a dog that did not shed but since he had long hair it was still important to keep him groomed. Thankfully, he enjoyed it.

    1. Susan

      Thank you. I think they pretty much all need groomed in one way or another… either by us with the FURminator… or the groomer with the clippers $$$. I’ll stick to labs and the FURminator…lol


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